Seth Itzkan discusses grasslands restoration in Zimbabwe and it's potential to mitigate global warming through carbon capture in newly formed soil. Refutes statements made by Guy McPherson to the list.
Seth Itzkan discusses grasslands restoration in Zimbabwe and it's potential to mitigate global warming through carbon capture in newly formed soil. Refutes statements made by Guy McPherson to the list.
The Center for International Environment and Resource Policy (CIERP) hosted Seth Itzkan, President of Planet-TECH Associates, on October 30 for a talk entitled “Climate Mitigation 2.0 – The Promise of Restorative Grazing: Counter-Intuitive Approaches for Reversing Desertification and Global Warming While Meeting Human Needs.”
Here's the published version of the Worldwatch Nourishing The Planet interview with Seth Itzkan. Please see the Worldwatch site to comment.
Here's the full written response by Seth Itzkan to the Worldwatch Nourishing The Planet Interview questions. An edited version appeared on the Worldwatch blog.
On January 25th I spoke at Tufts University regarding Holistic Management and my experiences in Africa.
How We Think About The Future - from a presentation I made with Jim Laurie at Harvard College, Cambridge, MA, December 1, 2009. It was for a class on Environmental Ethics and Land Management. I discuss the prevailing images of the future and how can make alternatives.
Seth Itzkan, speaking at the "Houston After Oil" session of the Association for the Study of Peak and Gas (ASPO) 2007 conference in Houston.
Segment 1: Introductory rewards, building designs for low energy. Example is the Forbes Lofts Development in Chelsea, Massachusetts, outside of Boston.
On Friday, October 19th, Dr. Peter Bishop and I made a joint presentation on Houston After Peak Oil Scenarios to the thrid annual Associate for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) Conference in Houston, Texas.
Boston Globe article on Futurists, titled "The local forecast", prominently features me.