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Ode to Matthew Simmons - And the Birth of 'Houston After Oil'

In 2010 we lost a man who inspired me to pursue my dream of hosting a landmark conference titled Houston After Oil. He was Matthew Simmons, the scion of investment banking for the oil industry and trusted alley of Dick Cheney and other energy barrens.

Houston After Oil - Objectives & Vision

The objective of the Houston After Oil forum is to help Houston area planners and industry leaders to discover and communicate opportunities for growth in a "low carbon" sustainable energy economy.

"Houston After Oil" ASPO 2007, Segment 4 - Bio-refineries

Seth Itzkan, speaking at the "Houston After Oil" session of the Association for the Study of Peak and Gas (ASPO) 2007 conference in Houston. Segment 4 discusses Green Chemistry, bio-refineries, and the biochemicals industry as a replacement for the petrochemicals industry.

"Houston After Oil", ASPO 2007 Segment 3

Seth Itzkan, speaking at the "Houston After Oil" session of the Association for the Study of Peak and Gas (ASPO) 2007 conference in Houston. Segment 3 discusses the Dongtan carbon neutral city project, outside of Shanghai, China.

"Houston After Oil", ASPO 2007 Segment 2

Seth Itzkan, speaking at the "Houston After Oil" session of the Association for the Study of Peak and Gas (ASPO) 2007 conference in Houston. Segment 2 discusses the Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED) in Beddington, England, outside of London, as well as a ZED Quarter, and the Changsha Master Plan.

"Houston After Oil", ASPO 2007 Presentation

Seth Itzkan, speaking at the "Houston After Oil" session of the Association for the Study of Peak and Gas (ASPO) 2007 conference in Houston. 

 Segment 1: Introductory rewards, building designs for low energy. Example is the Forbes Lofts Development in Chelsea, Massachusetts, outside of Boston.

Houston After Oil Presentation at ASPO Conference

Houston After Oil Image

On Friday, October 19th, Dr. Peter Bishop and I made a joint presentation on Houston After Peak Oil Scenarios to the thrid annual Associate for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) Conference in Houston, Texas.