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Cape Ann Fresh Catch

Tags: Economy

The Cape Ann Fresh Catch Community Supported Fishery (CSF) program,  based in Gloucester, MA, is the first time that the Community Supported Agriculture model is being carried out for a fishery in the Boston area.  It represents a new shift toward collaboration of shore side residents and the local fishing community.  CSF members give the fishing community financial support in advance of the season, and in turn, the fishermen provide a weekly share of seafood during the harvesting season to shareholders.

Lending Club

Tags: Economy

Lending Club utilizes the social networking capabilities that have emerged with online technology to enhance economic opportunity and enterprise.  Borrowers with good credit can get personal loans from $1,000 to $25,000 at interest rates that are often significantly better than rates from conventional sources.  For lenders, money invested goes immediately to Lending Club's approved borrower members.

Inkling Prediction Markets

Tags: Economy

The Chicago-based Inkling Markets company leverages the growing power of prediction markets to enable companies to forecast anything they would like, such as likelihood of a certain event, or the likely sales data for a new product.  Inkling cites their prediction market platform as a key tool for companies to capture the collective intelligence of a diverse group of people to gain insight about what may happen in the future.  CEO Adam Siegel cites risk mitigation, involving more people in decision-making, and adding a human element to decisions as key benefits for companies that use predic

3/50 Project

Tags: Economy

The 3-50 project brings together consumers who seek to support their local business communities by calling upon those consumers to frequent three local brick and mortar businesses they don’t want to see disappear, and to spend $50 per month doing it.  Started in March 2009, the 3-50 project has already accumulated lengthy lists of both participating businesses and supporters throughout the nation, and connects communities of supporters and the businesses themselves through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  According to founder Cinda Baxter, for every $100 spent in locally owned businesses,

Every Baby a Trust Fund Baby

Tags: Economy

The New America Foundation, along with the Center for Social Development at Washington University, advocates for a modest trust fund to be setup for every American baby at birth, and established as a basic right, like education and adequate nutrition. By opening a savings account for every American newborn, the government would give all citizens a foothold in the financial system.  In the most commonly promoted version of the plan, the government would contribute an initial deposit at birth, with low-income families receiving a supplement.


Tags: Economy

Idealab is introducing a new level of engagement for the creation of pioneering companies.  In addition to providing capital for the most progressive technological ideas (such as in search engines and robotics), it also creates an incubator for the startups and infuses them with a full range of support services, from office space to competitive research.  IdeaLab believes its approach at fostering startups must be as cutting edge as the companies they spawn.  Companies in their portfolio include:

Ten-Percent Shift

Tags: Economy

The 10% Shift is a New England-wide grassroots movement of citizens, businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits that make support for local business into a tangible and replicable goal across the country.  The movement works to shift 10% or more of annual budgets from non-local businesses to locally owned and independent businesses.  This change will keep a larger share of dollars in the New England region, stimulate the local multiplier, create thousands of new jobs, and spur a fundamental transformation of the New England economy.  In Spring 2009, Executive Director

Green Jobs Corps

Tags: Economy

The Green-Collar Jobs Campaign, supported by the Ella Baker Center, is building California's movement for a green-collar economy that truly provides opportunity for all while also building sustainable communities. The campaign advocates for the creation of "green-collar" jobs in low-income, diverse communities in industries such as renewable energy, water and energy efficiency, green building, habitat restoration and sustainable agriculture. Almost all jobs are quality, career-track, skilled and hands-on.

Office Nomads

Tags: Economy

In Seattle, Washington, Office Nomads provides a location and community for independent workers to use communal office space instead of being restricted to home offices and transitory cafes.  The coworking trend, as it is called, builds innovatively on the changing US economy.  With a simple pricing structure for both occasional and full-time use, Office Nomads provides desk space and water coolers for professionals and artists alike.

Sustainable Business Network

Tags: Economy

The Sustainable Business Network uses a variety of innovative tools in order to bring together business leaders in pursuit of environment sustainability.