The project is the largest active solar panel in Worcester County, and the seventh-largest system in Massachusetts.
<p>The system reduces the corporations electricity usage by 22%, which is about $19,000 per year.</p>
<p>The solar panels for the project were provided by Borrego Solar.</p>
<p>The total project cost is $1.2 million.</p>
Wilson Language Training Corporation
47 Old Webster Rd
Oxford, MA 01540
(508) 368-2399
The 139 kW system was installed on the Wilson Language Training Corporation 9000 sq foot roof of the distribution warehouse facility. Wilson Language Training Corporation provides curricula and comprehensive professinal development for teachers to address language based learning disabilities. The system reduces the facilities electricity usage by 22%, which is approximately $19,000/year. The money saved in energy costs will be used to install an air-conditioning unit on the distribution center. The system will offset approximately 200,000 pounds of CO2 annually, which is the equivalent to planting about 90 acres of trees. URL: